Natural Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris

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Traditional treatment for keratosis consists of moisturizing or keratolytic remedies. These may include urea, lactic acid, salicylic acid or topical retinoids. Although these treatments have been around for many years they are not always effective and for many sufferers of KP there is no real improvement seen in the appearance of the skin.

Because keratosis pilaris is a skin condition which generally affects those body parts most visible, such as the outer arms, there is a need to find a cure for more cosmetic reasons. Women in particular are more likely to become depressed with the appearance and presence of red hard lumps on their arms and legs. Out of vanity, women will literally try anything in an attempt to improve the appearance of their skin.

Natural treatments are now available to purchase and at relatively low costs. Ointments and moisturising creams made from plants and herb extracts are becoming more and more popular in treating keratosis pilaris. Diet plans are another natural treatment for keratosis pilaris and are keenly followed by those eager to control the condition and kerb the unpleasant texture and appearance of the skin.

Health clubs are another option available to KP sufferers as they offer a range of spa and cleansing treatments with can help improve the complexion of the skin. Mud wraps, scrubs and massages using mineral based oils and creams including seaweed, kelp, aloe vera and sea salt are all popular choices for those seeking a healthier appearance of the skin.

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