Author Archives: Grace

Combat Keratosis Pilaris With a Balanced Diet

Nothing could be simpler than opting for a treatment amongst the foods Mother Nature provides us with. It is food in the diet that can cause a whole host of skin complaints and keratosis pilaris is just one of them. In today’s society, too many of us are consuming high amounts of processed foods in lieu of natural organic produce, which over time can have an adverse effect on our health and our bodies. When it comes to skin issues it is important to look at our […]

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What Causes Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a relatively common skin condition characterised by reddish rough bumps typically found on the outer arms, thighs, hands and buttocks. Often referred to as chicken skin there is said to be no known cure for this condition, although treatments such as ointments and moisturisers can improve the appearance of the skin. It is estimated that an average of forty percent of the world’s population will be affected by keratosis pilaris and that the condition is more common in women than men. The various forms […]

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How a Dermatologist Can Help With Acne Problems

While a mild case of acne isn’t necessarily a serious problem, it’s still a good idea to see a dermatologist. They can give you helpful information about what could be causing your acne as well as the best treatments. Plus, there is another skin condition called keratosis pilaris that is sometimes mistaken for acne and a dermatologist can tell you if that is what you’re dealing with, saving you the time and hassles of using the wrong treatment. It’s a good idea to prepare for your visit […]

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Treating Keratosis Pilaris on the Face

Facial presence of keratosis pilaris is medically known as keratosis pilaris rubra faceii. It is thought to be inherited yet its cause is still not entirely known. The condition can often be mistaken for other skin conditions such as acne as the typical symptoms and appearance are those of small red bumpy patches mainly on the cheeks. The bumpy appearance is caused by an overload of keratin in the hair follicle which prevents the hair from erupting due to becoming plugged. Sadly there is no known cure […]

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Natural Remedies for Keratosis Pilaris

When it comes to treating keratosis pilaris the first thing to do is to avoid medical treatments such as pills, medicines and medicated ointments. These quick fix treatments are known for their damaging properties and can in fact worsen the skins condition in the long run. Given that keratosis pilaris is an imbalance of keratin in the skins hair follicles, the last thing you want to do is clog the pores even further by applying creams and potions that contain toxins. More beneficial is to seek out […]

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Skin HydrationTreatment for Keratosis Pilaris

Lack of moisture can result in the skin’s condition becoming worse, particularly for those who suffer from keratosis pilaris. The cold winter months are those in which anyone with this skin condition will want to keep their skin as hydrated as possible or be faced with inflammation of the skin that they will be desperate to cover up. Since the winter weather is drier, those parts of the body exposed to the elements such as the hands and face are prone to exaggerated symptoms of keratosis pilaris. […]

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Healthy Eating and Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is a relatively common skin condition often referred to as chicken skin. Hard red bumps appear on the skin’s surface, usually on the outer arms and thighs and for those who suffer from this condition there is unfortunately no known cure. Treatments for keratosis pilaris are many and despite laser treatment and various moisturising lotions the results are generally minimal. The symptoms of KP mimic those of goose bumps but they are actually caused by a build up of keratin that then clogs the hair […]

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Natural Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris

Traditional treatment for keratosis consists of moisturizing or keratolytic remedies. These may include urea, lactic acid, salicylic acid or topical retinoids. Although these treatments have been around for many years they are not always effective and for many sufferers of KP there is no real improvement seen in the appearance of the skin. Because keratosis pilaris is a skin condition which generally affects those body parts most visible, such as the outer arms, there is a need to find a cure for more cosmetic reasons. Women in […]

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